Xingu Lodge 2023 Season Fishing Report | Week 03 October 02 to 05

Fishing Summary: While waiting for the rains, the river level continues to drop and the water temperature remains high.

The conditions for fishing for payaras continue to be adverse, but on the other hand tucunare, matrinxas, and bicudas do not seem to care about the conditions.

This week we had fishermen from Israel, Russia and Brazil. Those that fortunately were focused on different species. Which allowed them to have a week full of success and learning and leave the elusive “Vampires” aside.

The temperature this week was held between 30 and 34º, descending to a few graduable 24 and 26 at night.

Fishing stats:

Total number of fish landed in the week – 200

Biggest fish landed in the week:

Vampire fish: 87 cm

Vampire fish ‘Machete”: 85 cm

Wolf Fish: 65 cm 

Peacock Bass: 64 cm 

Mantrinxã: 48 cm

Pacu prata: 24 cm

Bicuda: 76 cm



We had a visit from our great friend Alex Atala who brought a group of friends to see the beauties of Kayapo land. Some of them had their first approach to sport fishing and Xingu together with our great team of guides managed to have an unforgettable experience.

Yoav managed to capture a bicuda that greatly exceeded 70cm and then captured an impressive 64cm tucunare. Incredible session for him.

The water and drought conditions mean that the fauna is close to the river. This allowed us to see monkeys, coatis and various animals. Even the impressive encounter with an anaconda. until next week.

Xingu team

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