Xingu Fishing Report 2021 Week 10: Nov 6 to 13

Weather: We had rain almost every day.

Temperature: 29-33C (day) 20-22C (night). Water Temperature: 28 c

River Conditions: We are seeing the highest levels of water so far, with the water only increasing, due to the constant rain.

Fishing Conditions: Similar to last week, peacock bass, matrinxas and pacu were slow because of low temperatures. On the other hand, fishing for payaras was epic! Fish were way more active in the upper third of the water column, chasing bait with a frenzy that we haven’t seen before. We were able to get a lot of fish to commit with a fast retrieve, and our poppers were devoured as soon as they hit the water.

Fishing Stats:

Number of Anglers: 7

Total number of fish landed over this week: 264 (payara, peacock bass, bicuda, matrinxã, corvina, pacu and wolffish)

Total Payara Landed: 173 Total Payara Missed: 200

Biggest payara landed this week: 92 cm

Payara: 173 

Peacock Bass: 27 

Matrinxã: 38 

Bicuda: 11 

Corvina: 2 

Pacu: 13 

Wolfish: 1 

Catfish: 4

Highlight of the Week: Bill got more than 50 payaras being the top rod of the week and also our top rod of the season so far. Not only did he accomplish this, but he got more than a dozen with poppers! The Daughters family got 2 quadruples while they were fishing together. More than 170 payaras landed this week, the best week of Xingu so far. What a week! This is an example of the magic that we experience here on a weekly basis! A new season for Payaras on topwater is coming!!

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