XINGU Fishing Report 2021 Week 09: Oct 30 to Nov 5

Our weather remains typical for the rainy season, sunny in the morning with showers in the afternoon. We also had a few big storms this week. 

Temperature: 29-33C (day) 20-22C (night). 

Water Temperature: 29 C 

River Conditions:
Water is still rising on the main river and all of its tributaries, with our jungle creeks running high and heavily off color. 

Fishing Conditions:
Although peacock bass fishing was slow due to high and cold water, fishing for vampires was a blast. They were very active in most of the pools we covered and in faster moving water. Oddly enough, a slow retrieve is still the way to go, but moving the fly quicker was sometimes the trigger to get these amazing fish to eat. Fishing for matrinxa and pacus after the rain also turned out to be very good, and we saw them grabbing fruit, leaves, and insects falling from the dripping trees ashore. 

Fishing Stats:

Number of Anglers:

Total number of fish landed over this week: 303 (payara, peacock bass, bicuda, matrinxa?, corvina, pacu and wolffish) 

Total Payara Landed: 48 

Total Payara Missed: 60 

Biggest payara landed in this week: 92 cm 

Payara: 48 

Peacock Bass: 140 

Matrinxa: 56 

Bicuda: 12 

Corvina: 7

Pacu: 1

Wolfish: 7

Catfish: 7

Highlight of the Week:
Fishing a new spot for the season, Marcello got a 92 cm vampire fish that gave him an amazing fight.

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