XINGU Fishing Report 2021 Week 08: October 23 to 30


We had a couple of afternoon showers this week. 

Temperature: 30-34C (day) 20-22C (night). 

Water Temperature:

29 C 

River Conditions: 

The water is still rising on the main river and its tributaries, with the jungle creeks experiencing stained and high water levels, deeming it practically unfishable.

Fishing Conditions: 

The fishing for vampires improved quite a bit, and they appeared to be more aggressive in most of the pools we fished. We even had a few doubles and a lot of frenzied action! We noticed that even with fast retrieves, they were taking all kinds of streamers without thinking about it. Xingú is on fire!

Fishing Stats: 

Number of Anglers: 4

Total number of fish landed over this week:

162 (payara, peacock bass, bicuda, matrinxã, corvina, pacu and wolffish)

Total Payara Landed: 33 

Total Payara Missed: 45

Biggest payara landed this week: 85 cm

Payara: 33 

Peacock Bass: 68 

Matrinxã: 32 

Bicuda: 12 


Pacu: 17 

Wolfish: 0 

Catfish: 1

Highlight of the Week: 

Our good friend Alex Atala and his son Tomas were enjoying this amazing destination this week, having a lot of fun catching huge payaras together and also experiencing some doubles! Both of them were our first guests that participated in the Kayapo ritual of cutting their arms with a payara tooth, a rite of passage that signifies adulthood. It was an amazing experience that we were honored to share with them!

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