Xingu Fishing Report 2022 Week 3: October 1 to 8

Weather: It was cloudy almost every afternoon and we had many days of heavy rain this week. 

Temperature: Between 31° and 38 C during the day and 20°C to 26 °C at night. 

Water Temperature: 29 °C 

Xingu River Conditions: The water level of the Xingu River is rising. Tributaries and little creeks are changing color and water level has also been changing. 

Fishing Conditions:
The change of water level and temperature made payaras more active throughout the week. We had great action and a lot of fish landed. There were even fish sitting in big pools and deep water. The best way to go for them is with heavy sinking lines (400 to 500 grains, 7ips) and big flies.
Peacock bass and matrinxa? fishing was very good, especially with clouser minnows and little streamers.
Seems that the condition of the water is taking us to some good fishing! 

Fishing Stats: Number of Anglers: 6 

Total number of fish landed over this week: 282 (Payara, peacock bass, bicuda, matrinxa?, corvina, wolffish)
Total Payara Landed: 19
Total Payara Missed : 34 

Biggest payara landed this week: 80 cm. 

Payara: 19 

Peacock Bass: 180 

Matrinxa?: 47 

Bicuda: 28 

Corvina: 2 

Wolffish: 2

Cat fish: 2 

Highlight of the Week:
Frans and Scott, after a great day of fishing, were finally crowned with the first double up of payaras on the season. Richard also caught a catfish while he was fishing for payaras in deep water.

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