Xingu Fishing Report 2022 Week 1: Sept 17 to 24

Weather: The weather during this week was hot, with showers and heavy rain interspersed with sunny periods.

Temperature: Between 31° and 34°C during the day and 20°C to 22°C at night.

Water Temperature: 32°C

Xingu River Conditions: Clear water and low levels for this time of year, and still dropping.

Fishing Conditions: The vampire fish were a challenge this week. We saw lots of fish rolling in the pools, but they were very selective about grabbing flies. In contrast, the peacock bass were active especially in flowing water, looking for higher levels of oxygen.

Fishing Stats:

Number of Anglers: 5

Total number of fish landed over this week: 126 (Payara, peacock bass, bicuda, matrinxã, corvina, wolffish)

Total Payara Landed: 9
Total Payara Missed : 30
Biggest payara landed in this week: 75 cm
Payara: 9
Peacock Bass: 84
Matrinxã: 20
Bicuda: 9
Corvina: 0
Wolffish: 2
Cat fish: 0

Highlight of the Week:

Despite a very challenging start to the season, we worked hard and succeeded with tons of bites and a few landed fish. The payara, or the kings of the river, as we call them, are still showing up in good numbers.

Three “Payara Facão” were landed during the week, which is a very particular type of payara and a very special catch! All of them came from the same pool, so it looks like we found a new home on the Xingu River!

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