XINGU Fishing Report 2021 Week 07: October 16 to 23

Temperatures were stable this week with slight showers and only one big storm.
Temperature: 30-34C (day) 20-22C (night)
Water Temperature: 29 C

River Conditions:
Water is still rising on the main river and also in the jungle creeks.

Fishing Conditions:
Most of the action we saw while fishing for vampire fish was late in the afternoon, caught mostly on big tube flies with tandem hooks and wiggle tails. Chartreuse and purple were working especially well on Scientific Anglers big game 500 grain fly lines in these particular conditions. We had spectacular peacock bass fishing, seeing them in good number and great size, top water flies still being the best way to target them. Because the jungle creeks are off color and flooded with water, fishing them was very slow this week.

Fishing Stats:
Number of Anglers:
Total number of fish landed over this week: 217 (Payara, Peacock Bass, Bicuda, Matrinxã, Corvina, Pacu and Wolffish)

Total Payara Landed: 7
Total Payara Missed: 12
Biggest payara landed this week: 85cm
Payara: 7
Peacock Bass: 130
Matrinxa?: 31
Bicuda: 32
Corvina: 1
Pacu: 1
Wolfish: 15
Catfish: 9

Highlight of the Week:
We had another unusual catch this week while our guides Lucas and Guido were scouting a new spot for vampire fish. They spotted a catfish sitting in the river and after tempting it with their fly, the fish took it with ferocity! The new pool is working great. Well done guys! Xingu never stops surprising us.

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