XINGU Fishing Report 2021 Week 02: Sept 10 - Sept 17

Weather: The weather this week was very hot, with showers and heavy rain interspersed with periods of bright sun.

Temperature: 31-34C (day) 20-22C (night).

Water Temperature: 30 c

River Conditions: The water level of Xingu river is still dropping  and the water color is clear.

Fishing Conditions: Vampire fish were more active this week!  We have some crazy action, especially in the afternoon! Peacock Bass were more active, particularly on top water, which is the most exciting way to enjoy them!

Fishing Stats:

Number of Anglers: 8 from Brazil

Total number of fish landed over this week: 295 (Payara, Peacock Bass, Bicuda, Matrinxã, Corvina, Wolff Fish)

Total Payara Landed: 21

Total Payara Missed : 12
Biggest payara landed in this week: 91 cm
Payara: 21
Peacock Bass: 219
Matrinxã: 19
Bicuda: 33
Corvina: 3
Catfish: 11

Highlight of the Week: Top water action with Peacock Bass was a blast!! Don’t forget to bring those poppers... 

Don't miss your opportunity to fish at Xingu this season! Contact [email protected] to reserve the last spots of the season.

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