
Matrinxas & pacu

Anglers can fish big hoppers for Matrinxas (Brycon falcatus) (2-8 lbs.) in a run or the crazy Curupete Pacu (Tometes kranponhah) (3-12 lbs.) which also attack insect imitations and algae flies in fast waters of the rapids. 

Peacock bass & bicudas

Exploring runs and flat for peacock bass (Cichla melaniae and C. mirianae) (3-15 lbs.) is also fun using big streamers and poppers. Watch out for the fast, powerful barracuda- like freshwater predator (pikecharacid), the Bicuda (Boulengerella cuvieri), that will burn your fingers in a second once hooked.


To state the obvious, we all like aggressive big fish. The prehistoric Wolfish are also found in the waters of the Xingu. Anglers will experience sight casting for 10-25 pound Wolfish in shallow water and tributaries. They act like hungry wolves chasing meat when you cast a popper or a big fly. 

Red Tail Catfish & Piraiba

From the numerous red tail catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus) to the jaú (Zungaro zungaro) and the monster Piraiba (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum), the Xingu is well known to be home of the largest catfish in the Amazon.

If you want to read more about the travel, logistics, gear of this incredible experience, check out the travel planner.


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